Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

College dues will be charged as notified separately. If dues are not paid by the dates notified by the college, a fine for late payment will be charged at the rate of Rs. 15 per day .If the dues remain unpaid even 30 days after the due dates the name of the student shall be struck off from the college rolls. Readmission is at the discretion of Principal after clearance of arrears of fee and payment of readmission fee. Students who remain absent for some reason or the other should arrange to send their dues to the college office by the due date. Absence from the college will not be accepted as an excuse for non payment for dues.

Absence fine
One period/full day :Rs. 5/- only

Continuous Absence:
As per university rules if a student remains absent from her class for seven consecutive days without valid reason , medical or otherwise,her name shall be struck off from the rolls irrespective of the fact that she has paid her dues.

Refund of Money
Refund as such university norms.

Leave Rules

1. A student shall apply for leave when needed on the prescribed form (Booklet obtainable from the college office on payment of Rs. 20/-)
2. A student is required to submit her application before availing leave and not after absenting herself from the college. In case of illness, application must be submitted on the day when the student attends the college after recovery.
3. Leave for three days will be sanctioned by the concerned tutor and leave up to seven days will be sanctioned by the Dean of concerned faculty. Sanction of leave for more than seven days will be discretion of the Principal.
4. A medical certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner must accompany the application for sick leave.

Eligibility for Examination

1. Only those students will be permitted to appear in the university Examination who fulfill the condition specified under special regulations.
2. A Student shall not be eligible to appear in the University Examination unless she has attended at least 75 % of the lectures. Practical held during the year are considered separately .

Internal Assessment

Students in their own interest are advised to be regular throughout the year in their studies as there is internal assessment of 20 % marks in each subject.
Rules for awards of internal assessment

The criteria for awards of internal assessment of 20% marks for regular students of all courses shall be as
under :

i) One class test :10 marks
ii) Assessment and presentations :5 marks
(better of two )
iii) Attendance : 5 marks
Less than 65% : 0 marks
Up to 70 % :2 marks
Up to 75% :3 marks
Up to 80 % :4 marks
Above 80 % : 5 marks

Students from other Universities/Board

1. Students from Universities/Boards other than M.D.U. & H.B.S.E. seeking admission to this college shall have to submit their Inter University Migration Certificate by the date notified by the M.D. University . Otherwise the students’s name will be struck off from the college rolls.
2. The admission of such students will be provisional subject to confirmation of the eligibility by the M.D.University.

Discontinuation of Studies

A student wishing to withdraw from the college rolls must submit an application to the Principal duly signed by her parents or guardian . Before a student discontinues her studies in the college ,she must ensure that she has paid all the college dues, returned all the library books ,otherwise she will have to pay the fine .

Library Rules

1. Library books will be issued to every student on library cards .Every student can borrow two books at a time.
2. Any loss of book should be immediately reported to the librarian and the matter be settled within 15 days by replacing the book.
3. Books will be issued for a period of 15 days but the books which are much in demand may be issued for seven days. Delay in returning the book will entail a fine of Rs. one per day per book .
4. The students on leave must arrange to return their books well in time.
5. The books issued from the library must be kept very carefully and should not be underlined or damaged .The books should be checked before getting it issued .If damaged it should be brought to the notice of the librarian . Otherwise the borrower will be held responsible for the damage .
6. If any student does not get the identity card issued from the library on the specified date and time she will have to pay a fine of Rs. 1 per day .
7. The students must keep their identity card with them when they enter the library. If they fail to produce the identity card on demand they can be refused the permission to enter the library .
8. If an identity card /Library Passbook is lost by student then duplicate identity card can be issued to her if she makes a payment of Rs. 50/-
9. The students are required to read library notices issued from time to time .Ignorance will be no excuse.
10. The students are expected to observe silence in the library.
11. Reference books , rare books and periodicals are not to be issued .These books can only be given for consultation in library .
12. The students who score marks 85% or above in the Board /Univ.Exam. can borrow more than two books .

Book Bank

Students who score 85 % marks and above in Board/Univ. Exam. are given books from the Book Bank. These books are to be returned to the library after the session is over.
2.This facility is given to the poor students also .
3. Students willing to avail the book bank facility will have to submit a form (available from the library), complete in all respects to the librarian .
4. The students who want to have a books from the Book-bank will have to appear for interview before a Library Committee.
5. The students ,failed or placed under compartment will not be entitled for Book- bank facility.
6. Book- Bank facility will be withdrawn in case a merit holder student fails to maintain her merit.